About me

Hi! I’m Guillermo, a Ph.D student at ENES-Morelia, UNAM. I’m a member of the Plant Evolutionary Ecology Lab from Silvana Martén-Rodríguez Ph.D and a lab assistant at the National Laboratory of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.


My research interests revolve around understanding the intricate interplay between ecological, geographical, and historical factors contributing to species diversification. I am particularly fascinated by utilizing evolutionary research to predict and unravel species’ responses in the face of our current environmental crisis. For my doctoral degree, I am integrating phylogenetic comparative methods, niche modeling, and field experiments to investigate how breeding systems have influenced macroevolutionary patterns in morning glories (Ipomoea).

Seeking Postdoctoral Opportunities

As I approach the final stage of my doctoral degree, I am actively seeking postdoctoral opportunities for the year 2024. If you are aware of any exciting prospects or would like to collaborate, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Your support and recommendations are greatly appreciated!